Club Accounts
Our Club Accounts are a great way to save money throughout the year for special occasions. From back-to-school and Christmas shopping, to vacations, tuition and more, save it all in a Curis Financial Club Account with payroll deduction or direct deposit.
Christmas Club
- Start with as little as $5 per pay period
- Earn dividends quarterly
- Matures October 15th each year. The funds will be transferred to your savings account or other designated account on this date.
Vacation Club
- Start with as little as $5 per pay period
- Earn dividends quarterly
- You are allowed two free withdrawals during the calendar year.
Back to School Club
- Start with as little as $5 per pay period
- Earn dividends quarterly
- Matures July 15th each year. The funds will be transferred to your savings account or other designated account on this date.